
A Neovim wrapper for running tests

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

nvim-test 0.4.1

Test Runner for neovim

tests Awesome Neovim


Language Test Runners
Go Go go-test
Javascript Mocha mocha, Jest jest
Lua Busted busted
Python PyTest pytest, PyUnit pyunit
Rust Cargo cargo-test
Typescript TS-Mocha ts-mocha


with packer:

use {
  config = function()


The plugin defines the commands:

  • TestNearest - run the test nearest to the cursor
  • TestFile - run all tests in the current file
  • TestSuite - run the whole test suite
  • TestLast - run the last test
  • TestVisit - open the last run test in the current buffer
  • TestInfo - show an information about the plugin


This plugin must be explicitly enabled by using require("nvim-test").setup{}

Default options:

require('nvim-test').setup {
  commands_create = true,   -- create commands (TestFile, TestLast, ...)
  silent = false,           -- less notifications
  run = true,               -- run test commands
  term = "terminal",        -- a terminal to run (terminal|toggleterm)
  termOpts = {
    direction = "vertical", -- terminal's direction (horizontal|vertical|float)
    width = 96,             -- terminal's width (for vertical|float)
    height = 24,            -- terminal's height (for horizontal|float)
    go_back = false,        -- return focus to original window after executing
    stopinsert = false,     -- exit from insert mode
    keep_one = true,        -- only for term 'terminal', use only one buffer for testing
  runners = {               -- setup tests runners
    go = "nvim-test.runners.go-test",
    javascript = "nvim-test.runners.jest",
    lua = "nvim-test.runners.busted",
    python = "nvim-test.runners.pytest",
    rust = "nvim-test.runners.cargo-test",
    typescript = "nvim-test.runners.jest",

Setup a runner:

  require('nvim-test.runners.jest').setup {
    command = "~/node_modules/.bin/jest",
    args = " --collectCoverage=false ",