A WhiteBoard application used for prototyping supports Websockets
- 2
Header needs to be responsive
#84 opened by kapilG0 - 1
Add ChatBot
#83 opened by sreevidya-16 - 1
kubernetes the container
#82 opened by agarwalhimanshugaya - 3
Make it Responsive properly for mobile screen
#70 opened by Utsavladia - 2
Undo Button
#81 opened by Soumodip04 - 11
Replace the text with the symbols on buttons
#61 opened by dhruvpatidar359 - 2
Only number should allow in room id
#80 opened by kapilG0 - 2
Add Preloader
#79 opened by AsmitaMishra24 - 3
I want to add a reset button to easily reset
#78 opened by PAPIYA-DUTTA - 1
- 4
Layers in Nextdraw
#30 opened by dhruvpatidar359 - 1
Editing and enhancing the CONTRIBUTING.md file
#75 opened by pranavc13 - 2
Recording is not working in Brave
#63 opened by dhruvpatidar359 - 1
- 1
Designing A New Logo For NEXTDRAW
#73 opened by MehtabAsHellic - 3
- 4
#64 opened by Apurv7777 - 3
Already exist project
#69 opened by devaniketh - 1
Changing Text is not Visible while Recording
#62 opened by dhruvpatidar359 - 3
- 12
- 1
Add PR template
#56 opened by suhanipaliwal - 1
Docs: Add Pull Request Template
#57 opened by officeneerajsaini - 4
Enhance Readme.md file
#53 opened by aasthakourav20 - 13
Dark Mode toggle switch
#25 opened by maverickcodex18 - 7
Font Styles For Text
#33 opened by Rohitha-pudu - 2
Add templates for issues
#13 opened by Princegupta101 - 2
adding husky workflow
#35 opened by VanshikaSabharwal - 1
- 1
Workflow for closing Old PRs
#50 opened by Asymtode712 - 1
Auto Commenting feature for PR Raised
#48 opened by Asymtode712 - 1
Workflow for Closing Old Issues
#49 opened by Asymtode712 - 3
Auto Commenting feature for PR Merged
#47 opened by Asymtode712 - 0
Add Mobile Responsiveness
#31 opened by Puskar-Roy - 6
Adding a "Progress bar" for stroke width
#27 opened by StephenStolk - 1
Adding a sign up feature
#20 opened by Souvik34 - 4
Shapes are not perfect
#19 opened by Souvik34 - 2
- 4
- 1
Automated Greeting Workflow
#40 opened by sanmarg - 2
Adding select button to the NextDraw
#36 opened by Vi-shub - 4
Components Not Closing In Mobile Devices
#24 opened by sarthakmishra459 - 0
- 2
large dockerfile size
#23 opened by Bhavya-55 - 5
Pressing zoom out button multiple times makes the canvas see upside down
#11 opened by dhruvpatidar359 - 1
- 1
Add Code of Conduct
#16 opened by Princegupta101 - 1
Add issues
#15 opened by Princegupta101 - 1
#14 opened by Princegupta101 - 1
Add Topics
#12 opened by Princegupta101