
NotSAFE is a ML-backed web app that informs the user the percentage that his/her signup password would hacked or chances of potentially being cracket. We have used Deep Learning (Recurrent Neural Network) to generate intellectual passwords from a corpus of hacked passwords available on the internet.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


NotSAFE is a ML-backed web app that informs the user the percentage of his/her signup password being hacked or chances of potential hack. We have used Deep Learning to generate intellectual passwords from a corpus of hacked passwords available on the internet. It then matches the password at the time of signup whether it has already been generated by our algorithm with a hack probabilty of 100% or give it a probabilty of being hacked as a percentage.

Tools & Technology Used

NotSAFE Web App is built using React and with Flask as the API backend and it uses Keras for training our Deep Learning Model.

Getting Started for Development

  1. Install NVM See: https://github.com/creationix/nvm
  2. Install Node & NVM nvm install --lts
  3. Install npm
  4. Clone this repo.
  5. Install packages: cd /path/to/repo/not-safe-web-app
  6. Now run the backen service using command python hackProbabilityPredictorAPI.py
  7. After the successful run, run command npm install to install the dependencies
  8. Run npm start to start the app