
Go through the README.md file and recreate the picture that you see using HTML, CSS or JS. Whatever you prefer

Web Dev Task

Thanks for showing your interest in joining MUNSoc Tech! To test your Web Dev skills, we have a simple challenge for you - reacreate the webpage!


Go through the example below and try to recreate it as accurately as possible in an efficient manner!

Note: This video can also be found here


  1. Fork this repository to your account
  2. Clone (download) the fork to your computer
  3. Open the project in any text editor
  4. Make the webpage above and commit your code!
  5. Create a Pull Request and send it to munsoc-mpstme/Web-Dev-Task
  6. Add us as a reviewer or ping us on the group once you're done!

NOTE #1: do NOT email us the code. We will only accept Pull Requests done through GitHub. If you don't know how to use it, learn it! There are plenty of tutorials online.

NOTE #2: if you have genuine problems, feel free to reach out to us. But remember - this is a test, so don't ask us for direct help!

We will be judging you based on a number of parameters, so try as much as you can - it's okay even if the code isn't completely perfect. All the very best!!