
My 30 day journey in learning Swift and IOS Development

Primary LanguageSwift

30 Days of Swift

Tracking my 30 day journey in learning Swift and IOS Development

Week 1

Basic User Interface

This first week of learning Swift I started with learning the basics of Apple's UIKit, learning about different aspects of the user interface from Labels, TextFeilds, Buttons, Images and more. I started with a basic app jus displaying some text and images. Through this process, I was able to work throgh the learning curve of the ins and outs of XCode

I Am Rich


Week 2

IBActions and Functionality

Gaining some profiency in basics of Swift, I started to add more functionlity to my apps through the use of IBOutlets and IBActions. This allowed me to add interactions for the user with the app. I started by adding the functionality to my Dicee App, when the user presses the roll button, two random dice images are displayed on the screen. I was able to implement my knowledge of arrays and loops to make this possible.


I moved on to creating a quiz app with true or false answers. I learned more about code design, by using the Model View Controller Design Patter to structure my code. Furthermore, I learned about how to make more functional and reusable code through the use of Structs and Classes as well as new data structures like dictionaries. Some difficulties arrised in keeping track of the users score and resseting the score when the game was over.

I also learned more about how to interact with the phone's in built audio system through the Xylophone app.



Week 3

MultiPage Dynamic Apps

In this week, I wanted to learn how to make apps that are more dynamic with mutliple pages. I started with a BMI Calculator where using UISliders, the user selects their height and weight and their BMI is prested when they click calculate on another view. I then made a Bill Calculation App which calculates how to split a bill with multiple people using a UIStepper. Through these 2 apps I learned how to create apps with multiple view controllers as well as passing data between different views. Furthermore, I learned more about protocals as well as how to implement the MVC Design Pattern.

BMI Calculator


Week 4

Networking and REST APIs

This was one of the most challenging but rewarding aspects of learning Swift. I started by learning how REST APIs work and how to create requests to APIs. Furthermore, I learned more about decoding and encoding JSON files critical in making full functioning apps. I applied this knowledge in building two netowrking apps with popular APIs.


Byte Coin