
Documentation for all active NUnit projects

Primary LanguagePowerShell

NUnit Documentation

This repository serves the content that is found at http://docs.nunit.org.

NUnit Documentation Build Process

What is the Docs site? How does it work?

The docs site is a project within the NUnit organization. Read the vision at VISION.md to understand more about how the documentation fits into the overall organization and how it supports the other projects.

How to Build these docs locally

Linting Locally

  • Install markdownlint: npm install markdownlint-cli -g
  • Open the root of the project (/, not /docs)
  • Run markdownlint docs/**/*.md

We'd love your contributions! See The contributing guide for how to get involved.

How the Docs are Built and Deployed

  • We build the docs via the GitHub actions located in ./github/workflows.
  • The workflow uses a container with docfx installed; the container builds the docs.
  • The workflow then uses another container to push the results to the gh-pages branch, using a personal access token that is stored in the repository's settings.
  • GitHub serves the outputted site from the gh-pages branch, and the DNS of docs.nunit.org points there.