Translation API

Requirements    •    Setup and Run    •    Build Profiles    •    Dependencies    •    References

This project repository contains the implementation of a NodeJS-based translation server.

The purpose of this server is to demonstrate the ability to quickly master the basic knowledge of Node.js as the core technology for a cloud-based back-end solution.

The server consists of a Master server and a Slave server, which communicate with each other in a master/slave setup.

⚙ Setup, Build and Run


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  • node v18.16.0 (enforced by package.json).
  • npm v9.5.1 (enforced by package.json).

Setup and run

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To set up and run the application, use the following command:

    npm start

Build Profiles

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The project includes the following build profiles:

  • clean

    Cleans the project by removing yarn.lock, package-lock.json, node_modules, and build directory.

    npm run clean
  • compile

    Compiles the TypeScript code using tsc command.

    npm run compile
  • format:check

    Checks the formatting of the code using prettier and sort-package-json commands.

    npm run format:check
  • format:fix

    Fixes the formatting of the code using prettier and sort-package-json commands.

    npm run format:fix
  • lint
    npm run lint

    Runs linting on the code using eslint command.

  • prebuild

    Runs the tests before the build process.

    npm run prebuild
  • precompile

    Fixes the code formatting before the compilation process.

    npm run precompile
  • preformat:check

    Installs dependencies and runs security audit before checking code formatting.

    npm run preformat:check
  • preformat:fix

    Installs dependencies and runs security audit before fixing code formatting.

    npm run preformat:fix
  • prelint

    Compiles the TypeScript code before running the linting process.

    npm run prelint
  • prepreview

    Runs linting before starting the preview.

    npm run prepreview
  • prestart

    Runs linting before starting the project.

    npm run prestart
  • pretest

    Runs linting before running the tests.

    npm run pretest
  • start

    Starts the application using ts-node.

    npm run start
  • test

    Runs test using jest command.

    npm run test
  • test:only

    Runs test using jest command.

    npm run test:only

📐 Architecture


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2023 © Diego Rocha