
Primary LanguageC

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This project is about coding a C library. It will contain a lot of general purpose functions your programs will rely upon.

📦 Features

Libc Functions: Reimplementation of standard C library functions with names prefixed by "ft_". ft_isalpha, ft_isdigit, ft_isalnum, ft_isascii, ft_isprint, ft_strlen, ft_memset, ft_bzero, ft_memcpy, ft_memmove, ft_strlcpy, ft_strlcat, ft_toupper, ft_tolower, ft_strchr, ft_strrchr, ft_strncmp, ft_memchr, ft_memcmp, ft_strnstr, ft_atoi

Additional Functions: Extended functionality for string manipulation. ft_substr, ft_strjoin, ft_strtrim, ft_split, ft_itoa, ft_strmapi, ft_striteri, ft_putchar_fd, ft_putstr_fd, ft_putendl_fd, ft_putnbr_fd

Linked List Functions: Additional functions for working with linked lists. ft_lstnew, ft_lstadd_front, ft_lstsize, ft_lstlast, ft_lstadd_back, ft_lstdelone, ft_lstclear, ft_lstiter, ft_lstmap

ft_printf: A simple recreation of printf function.

get_next_line: Function that reads a file descriptor line by line

📂 Repository Structure

└── Libft/
    └── ft_printf/
        └── include/
            └── ft_printf.h
        └── src/
            ├── ft_numbers.c
            └── ft_printf.c
        └── Makefile
    └── get_next_line/
        ├── get_next_line.c
        ├── get_next_line.h
        └── get_next_line_utils.c
    ├── Makefile
    ├── ft_atoi.c
    ├── ft_bzero.c
    ├── ft_calloc.c
    ├── ft_isalnum.c
    ├── ft_isalpha.c
    ├── ft_isascii.c
    ├── ft_isdigit.c
    ├── ft_isprint.c
    ├── ft_itoa.c
    ├── ft_lstadd_back_bonus.c
    ├── ft_lstadd_front_bonus.c
    ├── ft_lstclear_bonus.c
    ├── ft_lstdelone_bonus.c
    ├── ft_lstiter_bonus.c
    ├── ft_lstlast_bonus.c
    ├── ft_lstmap_bonus.c
    ├── ft_lstnew_bonus.c
    ├── ft_lstsize_bonus.c
    ├── ft_memchr.c
    ├── ft_memcmp.c
    ├── ft_memcpy.c
    ├── ft_memmove.c
    ├── ft_memset.c
    ├── ft_putchar_fd.c
    ├── ft_putendl_fd.c
    ├── ft_putnbr_fd.c
    ├── ft_putstr_fd.c
    ├── ft_split.c
    ├── ft_strchr.c
    ├── ft_strdup.c
    ├── ft_striteri.c
    ├── ft_strjoin.c
    ├── ft_strlcat.c
    ├── ft_strlcpy.c
    ├── ft_strlen.c
    ├── ft_strmapi.c
    ├── ft_strncmp.c
    ├── ft_strnstr.c
    ├── ft_strrchr.c
    ├── ft_strtrim.c
    ├── ft_substr.c
    ├── ft_tolower.c
    ├── ft_toupper.c
    └── libft.h

⚙️ Commands & Options


Compiles different program pieces and builds a final executable

make [RULE]
Rule Description
all Default rule, compiles the mandatory part
bonus Compiles all the project, including the bonus part (the linked list func.), get_next_line and ft_printf
clean Removes all the objects file of the project
fclean Removes all the temporary files of the project (.o and .a)
fclean Removes all the temporary files of the project (.o and .a)

⚡️ Quick start

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/dhsudev/libft
  1. Enter the directory
cd libft
  1. Compile with the makefile

⚙️ Use Libft

Once the library is successfully compiled, you can use it in your projects. Link the libft.a file to your program, and include the libft.h header in your source files. To compile your program with Libft, use:

gcc -o my_program my_program.c -L . -lft

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