
A DNS server statistics collector

Primary LanguagePython

dnsstatd - a DNS server statistics collector
Copyright (c) 2012, Torbjörn Lönnemark <tobbez@ryara.net>

dnsstatd collects DNS response statistics by monitoring responses sent
by the DNS server, parses them and stores the data in a postgres
database. All data from the packets sent by the DNS server is saved,
including client and server IPs, header flags, questions, and resource

Please consider the privacy issues that arise when deploying dnsstatd.

== Dependencies
 - netifaces
 - dnslib
 - pcap (python-libpcap in debian, pylibpcap in gentoo, py-pcap in FreeBSD)
 - dpkt
 - psycopg2

Some dependencies may not be available in your distribution/OS. In those
cases you can install them from PyPi using pip.

== Configuration
Modify `config.example` to fit your setup, and save as `config`.

 * `dev` is the device to listen on. Valid values are:
     - a single interface name
     - a comma-separated list of interface names
     - "any" (to listen on all devices)
 * `db_dsn` is the data source name, which describes how to connect to
   the postgres server.

== Testing
dnsstatd has been used in a production setting, recording stats for over
23M responses without issues.

== License
dnsstatd is released under the ISC license.