
Glance at git commits through a simple TUI

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


✨ Overview

commits lets you glance at git commits through a simple TUI.


🛠️ Pre-requisites

  • git (only if you want to use commits to see diffs)

💾 Installation


go install github.com/dhth/commits@latest

⚡️ Usage

commits can receive its configuration via command line flags, and/or a TOML config file. The default location for this config file is ~/.config/commits/commits.toml.

# commit messages that match "ignore_pattern" will not be shown in the TUI list
ignore_pattern = '^\[regex\]'

# editor_command is run when you press ctrl+d; {{revision}} is replaced at
# runtime with a revision range
editor_command = [ "nvim", "-c", ":DiffviewOpen {{revision}}" ]
commits -path='/path/to/git/repo'
commits -ignore-pattern='^\[regex\]'
commits -config-file-path='/path/to/config/file.toml'

Reference Manual

commits Reference Manual

commits has 4 views:
    - Commit List View
    - Commit Details View
    - Branch List View
    - Help View

Keyboard Shortcuts


       <tab>                           Switch focus between Commit List View and Commit Details View
       <ctrl+d>                        Open commit/revision range in your text editor (depends
                                       on editor_command in your config file)
       <ctrl+x>                        Clear revision range selection
       <ctrl+b>                        Change branch
       ?                               Show help view

   Commit List View

       <enter>                         Show commit/revision range
       <ctrl+t>                        Choose revision range start/end
       <ctrl+p>                        Show git log

   Commit Details View

       <enter>                         Show commit/revision range
       h/[                             Go to previous commit
       l/]                             Go to next commit

   Branch List View

       <enter>                         Pick branch
       /                               Start filtering


Screen 1

Screen 2


commits is built using bubbletea.