
Game of Thrones encyclopedia. Developed with Vue.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Game of Thrones Encyclopedia ❄️ 👑

Developed with Vue.js and Bootstrap 4

Demo: https://noemileon.dev/game-of-thrones/

Demonstrates progressive capacities of Vue.js:

  • Adding it to an existing proyect easily
  • Creating components and stablishing communication between them
  • Calling an API https://www.anapioficeandfire.com to get characters information


  • Main: Area where you can see characters and interact with them
  • Nav: Navigation area
  • Footer: Footer
  • Part selector: Each part of the character

Aditional JS

  • html2canvas.min.js: To download picture


  • bodies.js: Contains heads, middles and foots areas of each character, with attributes: id, name, src, type, and quotes.

TODO: Translate area.