
The best part of the celery

Primary LanguageGo


The best part of the celery!!!

Generalized async message queue processing. You Stalk app contains two parts the Collector, which is provided for you, and the business logic, you provide this. workers/app.go shows a toy example.

your business logic entry point simple has to abide by the simple interface: func([]byte) *collectors.Result

In the result there are 3 fields to supply, any errors encountered, and the retry and fatal falgs to tell stalk if you want a retry or this is a critical error and stalk should just put the message on the error topic/queue.

CollectorOptions for the call to create the BaseCollector:

  • PollingPeriod int How often to poll for polling message systems (SQS)
  • MaxPollingPeriod int During backoff/retry max time between polls
  • MaxRetries int For collector backoff/retry
  • RetryIntervalSecs int64 # of secs between retries
  • SourceTopic string Topic/Queue name where the messages will arrive.
  • ErrorTopic string Topic/Queue name where to put messages after they exhaust all reties or
    the business logic dictates it.
  • Region string For AWS
  • AccountID string For AWS
  • BusinessProcessor func([]byte) *Result Application's business logic
  • GetMessages func() ([]MessageWrapper, error) Message polling method.
  • PublishMessage func(message *MessageWrapper, delaySeconds int64, errFlag bool) error Method to publish messages to a topic/queue
  • AckMessage func(receiptHandle string) error
    Method to Ack messages
  • Sleep func() Stop receiving messages from the message broker (all Collectors start in paused mode)
  • Wake func() Start receiving messages from the message broker

If your message processing system is not included you can add one and all PRs to add any message queue are welcome.

  • To create a new message collector, you need to implement 5 methods:
    • CreateXYZCollector(CollectorOptions) (*Collector, error)
      • Make sure you extend the BaseCollector and pass in the required collectorOptions.
      • Create and return your collector making sure all required go routines are started (i.e.: AWS/SQS)
    • Sleep()
      • Should stop collector from polling or stop the sending of messages to the handler(s)
    • Wake()
    • GetMessages() ([]collectors.MessageWrapper, error)
      • For services that require to be polled (AWS/SQS, Pubsub, etc...) this function should return an array of messages
      • Messaging systems that have handlers (i..e.: NSQ), this can return an empty array.
    • PublishMessage(message *collectors.MessageWrapper, _ int64, errFlag bool) error
    • AckMessage(receiptHandle string) error
      • if no Acks are required like NSQ return nil is fine.