
A straightforward job search engine created as part of a Web Technology project

Primary LanguagePHP

Job Portal

Welcome to my first project - a job portal created in PHP.

This is a straightforward job search engine created as part of a Web Technology project.

Features :

  • User login and registration with email verification
  • Search and apply for jobs
  • Post and manage job openings
  • Basic profile management

Requirements :

  • PHP
  • XAMPP or similar software with PHPMySQL

Installation :

  • Install XAMPP or similar software with PHP and MySQL.
  • Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
  • Import the provided job_portal.sql file to your PHPMySQL server.
  • Update the config.php file with your database credentials.
  • Start the PHP and MySQL modules in your local server software.
  • Access the project by going to http://localhost/[project_directory] in your web browser.


Please note that this is my first project and it is not fully completed. The project may contain bugs and unfinished features.


If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out by creating a new issue in the repository.