Go Example to access XMLStats.com JSON streams for sporting events and box scores
There remains a problem with using time.Time JSON marshalling of data from XMLStats, work around in place.
To build:
go build xmlstats.go
To run: register with xmlstats to pickup your authorization string
cp env-orig.bash env.bash
edit env.bash to add authorization string and email address associated with authorization string
source env.bash //with your credentials
go run xmlstats
if you get this response, you have not properly registered, or setup the environment variables to ensure that they carry into the xmlstats function:
API server listening at:
Loading environment configuration constants
XMLSTATS_URL not found, should include your website or email credential
XMLSTATS_BEARERTOKEN not found, you should get your token from xmlstats registration
XMLSTATS_USERAGENT not found, should include your website or email credential
doing HTTP GET
The HTTP request header building failed with error 403 Forbidden : {
"error" : {
"code" : "403",
"description" : "Invalid user agent: null. Please refer to the user agent guidelines specified at https://erikberg.com/api#ua."
Terminating the application...