
Programmatically implement the Viterbi algorithm to compute the most likely weather sequence and probability for any given observation sequence.

Primary LanguagePython

6320.501: Natural Language Processing
Name: Dhwani Raval
Project Name: Viterbi
Version: 0.1
Language: Python 3.6

Problem Description
Programmatically implement the Viterbi algorithm to compute the most likely weather sequence and probability for any 
given observation sequence.

About Files
The project contains the following files:
	1. /Viterbi.py
	   The python file containing the solution for problem statement.
	2. /readme.txt
       The file contains the information about the files in the submission folder and running instructions for the
       programming file.

Running Instructions
1. Download the project and unzip it in the desired location
2. In cmd, navigate to the location where Viterbi is unzipped and use the following instruction
    python Viterbi.py <input number>