Official Farma Mobile dashboard app
OS X 10.9+, Windows 7+ & Linux are supported.
Download, unzip, and move Farma
to the /Applications
Download and unzip to some location.
To add a shortcut to the app, create a file in ~/.local/share/applications
called farma-mobile.desktop
with the following contents:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Farma Mobile
Exec=/full/path/to/folder/Farma\ Mobile
Icon=/full/path/to/folder/Farma\ Mobile/resources/app/media/Icon.png
Download and unzip to some location.
Built with Electron.
- Init:
$ npm install
- Run:
$ npm start
- Build OS X:
$ npm run build-osx
- Build Linux:
$ npm run build-linux
- Build Windows:
$ npm run build-windows
- Build all:
$ brew install wine
and$ npm run build
(OS X only)
MIT © Dhyego Fernando