
Python code for working with bioloid devices.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python code for working with bioloid devices.

cli.py is a command line program which communicates with devices on the bioloid bus.

Currently, only serial based interfaces are supported. I have a homebrewed serial interface created using an FTDI chip and a couple logic chips. The software is also compatible with Robotis serial interfaces like the USB2Dynamixel http://support.robotis.com/en/product/auxdevice/interface/usb2dxl_manual.htm

I originally wrote a tool similar to this in C. My C version can be found here: https://github.com/dhylands/projects/tree/master/bioloid/cli


git clone https://github.com/dhylands/Bioloid
cd Bioloid
pip install -e .
export BIOLOID_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0   # or whatever is appropriate


./cli.py --help
usage: bioloid [options] [command]

Send commands to bioloid devices

positional arguments:
  cmd                   Optional command to execute

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BAUD, --baud BAUD  Set the baudrate used (default = 1000000)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Set the serial port to use
  -n NET, --net NET     Set the network host (and optionally port) to use
  -t, --test            Uses the TestBus rather than communicating with real
                        Specifies a file of commands to process.
  -d, --debug           Enable debug features
  -v, --verbose         Turn on verbose messages

You can specify the default serial port using the BIOLOID_PORT environment

The debug command will print out information about parsing the bld files, and will also show packets sent to and from the devices.

If you just want to play with the commands, you can use the --test mode which doesn't require any real hardware to be connected. If you enter any commands which require a response from a bioloid device you will most likely see the following error:

Error: TestBus: packet queue is empty (unexpected)

This is becuase the test framework expects the response to have been queued up already.

Direct usage

You can take a look at the test-servo.py script to see how to use these classes directly, without using the command line.


Once you've started the cli, you should get a bioloid> prompt. The help command will show all of the available commands:

CLI Commands


Displays the available commands. You can type in any of the commands followed by help to get more detailed information about that command.

bioloid> help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
action  args  dev-types  echo  help  mini-io  quit  scan  sensor  servo  test


Exits the CLI. You can also use Control-D from the bioloid> prompt to quit.

Bus commands


Scans the bioloid device and prints out a summary of the devices found. For example, if I had 2 servos, with IDs of 8 and 10, then I would see something like this:

bioloid> scan
ID:   8 Model:    12 Version:    22
ID:  10 Model:    12 Version:    22


Broadcasts an ACTION command to the bus. This causes all deferred writes to be triggered. Deferred writes can be performed using the deferred-write servo sub-command.

Device Commands


Shows the registered device types. Each device type is represented by a file which is named reg-devtype.bld, so the device types shown may vary. The default device types are shown:

bioloid> dev-types
mini-io    Model: 17420 with 29 registers
sensor     Model:    13 with 32 registers
servo      Model:    12 with 34 registers

The device types themselves can be treated like commands. And for each device type there are device generic commands, and device specific commands. The device generic and device specific commands are the same for each device type. What varies is the register set.

For example, the output of servo help shows the commands which are

bioloid> servo help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
help  quit  reg  reg-raw  sync-write

Also note, that you can enter a device type with no arguments and that will then treat all subsequent commands as if you had typed the device type. The prompt will be changed to reflect which device type is current. You can exit a sub-level by using Control-D.

Device Generic Commands


Quits this level of the command line.


Prints the registers associated with this device type. The min and max values are formatted based on their type.

bioloid> servo reg
Addr Size         Min       Max Type            Name
---- ---- ----------- --------- --------------- ------------------
0x00 ro 2                                       model
0x02 ro 1                                       version
0x03 rw 1           0       253                 id
0x04 rw 1 2000000 bps  7843 bps BaudRate        baud-rate
0x05 rw 1      0 usec  508 usec RDT             return-delay-time
0x06 rw 2     0.0 deg 300.0 deg Angle           cw-angle-limit
0x08 rw 2     0.0 deg 300.0 deg Angle           ccw-angle-limit
0x2f rw 1           0         1                 lock
0x30 rw 2           0      1023                 punch


Prints the registers associated with this device type. The min and max values are formatted using their raw values.

bioloid> servo reg-raw
Addr Size Min  Max Type            Name
---- ---- --- ---- --------------- ------------------
0x00 ro 2                          model
0x02 ro 1                          version
0x03 rw 1   0  253                 id
0x04 rw 1   0  254 BaudRate        baud-rate
0x05 rw 1   0  254 RDT             return-delay-time
0x06 rw 2   0 1023 Angle           cw-angle-limit
0x08 rw 2   0 1023 Angle           ccw-angle-limit
0x2f rw 1   0    1                 lock
0x30 rw 2   0 1023                 punch

sync-write ... ...

Sends a synchronous write command, which writes multiple register values to multiple devices simultaneously.

For example:

bioloid> servo sync_write 2 5 7 goal-position 2 45 15 90 10

writes to 2 id's (5 and 7), and writes 2 registers (goal-position) and the moving-speed (the next register higher than goal-position). In the above example servo 5 would have it's goal-position set to 45 and the moving speed set to 15, while servo 7 would have its goal poisiton set to 90 and its moving speed set to 10.

device id

Device Specific Commands

You can also target commands to a specific device by including the device id after the device type.


Shows the commands which can be directed to a specific device.

bioloid> servo 8 help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
deferred-set    get      ping  read-data  reset    wd
deferred-write  get-raw  quit  reg        set      write-data
dw              help     rd    reg-raw    set-raw


Tests to see if the given device is present or not. If the device responds successfully to the ping, then you'll see something like this:

bioloid> servo 8 ping
device 8 status normal

If the device doesn't respond to the ping, then you'll see something like:

bioloid> servo 11 ping
device 11 not responding

And finally, if the device is present, but isn't in a normal status, then you'll see something like this:

bioloid> servo 8 ping
Rcvd Status: OverHeating


Alias for reg command at the device type level (you're currently at the device level).


Alias for reg-raw command at the device type level (you're currently at the device level).


Issues the RESET command to the indicated device. This causes the device to reset all of the control table values to their default values.

get offset-or-register-name

Retrieves the named register from the device indicated by 'id', and formats the result based on the register type. There is a special register name called 'all' which will cause all of the registers to be retrieved and printed.

bioloid> servo 15 get present-voltage
Read: 11.7 volts
bioloid> servo 15 get all
Addr Size Value           Name
---- ---- --------------- --------------------
0x00 ro 2 12              model
0x02 ro 1 22              version
0x03 rw 1 15              id
0x04 rw 1 1000000 baud    baud-rate

get-raw offset-or-register-name

Retrieves the named register from the device indicated by 'id', and prints the raw register value. There is a special register name called 'all' which will cause all of the registers to be retrieved and printed.

bioloid> servo 15 get-raw present-voltage
Read:   117
bioloid> servo 8 get-raw all
Addr Size Value Type            Name
---- ---- ----- --------------- ------------------
0x00 ro 2    12                 model
0x02 ro 1    22                 version
0x03 rw 1     8                 id
0x04 rw 1     1 BaudRate        baud-rate

read-data offset-or-register-name len

Issues the READ_DATA command to the inidcated device. The data which is read is formatted as hex bytes.

Note that multi-byte data is little-endian.

bioloid> servo 8 read-data 0x1e 4
Read: 0000: 00 02 00 00

rd offset-or-register-name len

Alias for read-data.

set offset-or-register-name value

Sets the value of a register using the natural units of the register type (degrees, volts, etc).

bioloid> servo 8 set goal-position 150

set-raw offset-or-register-name value

Sets the raw value of a register.

bioloid> servo 8 set-raw goal-position 0x200
bioloid> servo 8 get goal-position
150.1 deg

write-data offset-or-register-name data ...

Issues the WRITE_DATA command to the indicated device. The data is parsed as individual bytes, and may be in decimal, octal (if prefixed with a 0), or hexadecimal (if prefixed with a 0x).

Note that multi-byte data is little-endian.

bioloid> servo 8 get goal-position
150.1 deg
bioloid> servo 8 write-data goal-position 0xaa 0x02
bioloid> servo 8 get-raw goal-position
bioloid> servo 8 get goal-position
200.0 deg

Note that 682 = 0x2aa

wd offset-or-register-name data ...

Alias for write-data.

deferred-write offset-or-reg-name data ...

Issues the REG_WRITE command to the indicated device. The data is parsed as individual bytes, and may be in decimal, octal (if prefixed with a 0), or hexadecimal (if prefixed with a 0x).

The write of the data will be deferred until an ACTION command is received.

dw offset-or-reg-name data ...

Alias for deferred-write.

deferred-set offset-or-register-name value

Sets the value of a register using the natural units of the register type (degrees, volts, etc).

The write of the data will be deferred until an ACTION command is received.

Test Commands

These commands are typically only used in test scripts, which can be run by using:

./cli.py -t -f test.cmd


Prints the rest of the line to the output.

This is mostly useful when processing from a script.

test cmd ...

Queues up an expected command packet. The command will be an ascii version of the command, and data is assumed to be hexadecimal bytes making up the rest of the packet (i.e. without the 0x prefix). The packet preamble (2 0xff's), length, and checksum will all be calculated autmatically.

test cmd-raw ...

Queues up an expected command packet. The is expected to include the preamble, id, length, command, data, and checksum.

test rsp ...

Queues up an expected response packet. The error will be an ascii version of the error code, and data is assumed to be hexadecimal bytes making up the rest of the packet (i.e. without the 0x prefx). The packet preamble (2 0xff's), length, and checksum will all be calculated autmatically.

test rsp-raw ...

Queues up an expected response packet. The is expected to include the preamble, id, error code, length, data, and checksum.

test rsp-timeout

Queues up a timeout response.

test output "output-compare"

Executes and verified that the output is "output-compare"

test error

Executes and verifies that an error occurred.

test success

Executes and verifies that no error occurred.

BeagleBoneBlack Installation

I did up the BeagleBoneBlack installation instructions below and decided to keep them around as they might prove useful.

To install on a BeagleBone Black:

wget https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/raw/bootstrap/ez_setup.py
wget https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py

sudo python ez_setup.py
sudo python get-pip.py

sudo pip install virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

export WORKON_HOME="${HOME}/.venv"
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

mkvirtualenv bioloid
git clone https://github.com/dhylands/Bioloid
cd Bioloid
pip install -e .
export BIOLOID_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0

scan will show detected devices