
Simple cmake script to build SQLite module with encryption (SQLCipher).

Primary LanguageC++


This script allows to build SQLCipher library, SQLite shell program and Qt4 sql module using Microsoft compiler as well as mingw compiler.

To build you will need:


Before building you have to configure CMake script. Open CMakeLists.txt and modify the following variables:

  • SQLITE_SRC_DIR - SQLite source path
  • CIPHER_ROOT - SQLite Cipher path
  • OPENSSL_ROOT - Win32 OpenSSL instalation path

Also CMake script provides a couple of options:

  • OPENSSL_MT - Use OpenSSL MT libs instead of MD (only for msvc, disabled by default)
  • OPENSSL_STATIC - Use OpenSSL static libs instead of dynamic (only for msvc, disabled by default)
  • BUILD_QT_PLUGIN - Build Qt sql plugin (enabled by default)
  • BUILD_SHELL - Build sqlite shell (enabled by default)


After configuration you may run cmake & your make, below are examples for cmake.

To build release version of sqlcipher lib, shell, qsqlcipher4 plugin with MS nmake:

cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

To build debug version of sqlcipher lib (static lib, dynamic runtime), shell, qsqlcipher4 plugin with MS nmake:


To build just sqlcipher lib with MSYS make:



Inspired by

Tested with SQLCipher-2.0.6, sqlite-, Qt-4.8.3, OpenSSL-1.0.1b. For more info see CMakeLists.txt comments.