Currently implemented leaderboard:
- Getting stuff done (number of pull requests and pull request life span)
Share URLs with others:
Other leaderboard ideas:
- Small branches (number of commits/files/changes per pull request)
- Giving reviews (leaderboard for non-pull-request-creator commenting on pull requests, or possibly parsing pull request descriptions for "owning reviewer: xxx")
- Writing tests (file with "test" in path was added or updated)
- Fixing defects (version one)
- Getting stories done (version one)
- Number of commits after the first non-pull-request-creator comment
- Number of comments per user total
- File specific things, like trailing whitespace
Assign points to everything, as in
Get the code
git clone
cd developer-stats
Install stuff
sudo apt-get install node nodejs nginx
sudo emacs /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
Maybe a sample nginx config should live in this repo
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;
Personalize settings
cp webapp/settings.js.sample webapp/settings.js
emacs webapp/settings.js
Run the server
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
cd ~/developer-stats/webapp; node app.js
Daemonizing node.js server:
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
sudo supervisorctl restart node