
Import your WordPress Database to Wink platform easily.

Primary LanguagePHP

Wink WordPress DB import

Import you WordPress Database to Wink platform easily.


Clone wink-wp-import on your machine, include it in your laravel application via composer using the Path Repository method: Add this to your composer to JSON

"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "./../wink-wp-import"

Update your composer.json file to include this package as a dependency

  "writingink/wp-import": "*@dev"

Run composer update in your laravel project, then publish the config file into your project by running

php artisan vendor:publish

Choose Provider: Wink\WpImport\WinkWpImportServiceProvider from the list.

This will generate /config/wink-wp-import.php file whick look like this:

return [
    'wordpress' => [
        'driver' => 'mysql',
        'host' => env('WB_DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
        'port' => env('WB_DB_PORT', '1433'),
        'database' => env('WB_DB_DATABASE', 'YOUR_DATABASE_NAME'),
        'username' => env('WB_DB_USERNAME', 'USERNAME'),
        'password' => env('WB_DB_PASSWORD', ''),
        'prefix' => env('WB_DB_PREFIX', 'wp_'),
        'charset' => 'utf8',
        'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',

Update the configurations in this file or add them to your .env file like this:



The Import command have the following options:

$ php artisan -h wink-db-tools:import
  Import WordPress database

  wink-db-tools:import [options]

      --changeAuthor    This option allows you to change the Author of imported posts.
      --withoutPages    This option prevent importing Pages table
      --withoutTags     This option prevent importing Tags table
  -T, --truncate        This option will truncate your local Wink tables (wink_pages, wink_posts, wink_tags, wink_posts_tags, wink_authors) prior to the import operation.

Import all:

Import all Authors, Pages, Posts and Tags records of WordPress database to Wink corresponding tables:

php artisan wink-db-tools:import

Changing imported posts Author:

To change the Author of all import Posts to a local Wink author use --changeAuthor flag:

php artisan wink-db-tools:import --changeAuthor

Exclude Pages records:

To exclude the Pages from the importing operation use --withoutPages flag:

php artisan wink-db-tools:import --withoutPages

Exclude Tags records:

To exclude the Tags from the importing operation use --withoutTags flag:

php artisan wink-db-tools:import --withoutTags

Truncate Wink tables:

To truncate wink_pages, wink_posts, wink_tags, wink_posts_tags and wink_authors Wink tables prior to the import operation use --truncate flag:

php artisan wink-db-tools:import --truncate

Of course you can use mulitple flags at the same time if needed.


Wink WordPress DB import is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.