
Space game with library Pygame

Primary LanguagePythonOpen Software License 3.0OSL-3.0

ℹ️ Space Game

The space shooter using Python 3 and Library Pygame.



❗️ Requirements

  • ⬆️ [Back to top]

    Library Pygame:

     $ pip install pygame


     $ python3 -V
     Python 3.7.7

📷 Screenshots


🎆 Game Features

🚀 Gameplay :

  • Health bar for the space ship
  • Score board
  • Power Up (FirstAidKit)
  • Random sprites for
    • Explosions
    • Enemies
    • Player
    • Shots
  • 3 Lives per game

🎧 Sound :

  • Music and sound for:
    • Explosions
    • Shots
    • Power Up
    • OST

🤘 Controls

Move Up W
Move Down S
Move Left A
Move Right D
Fire (Press or Hold) spacebar
Quit game Esc

🔧 Installation

Build from source

$ git clone https://github.com/diable201/Space_Game.git
$ cd Space_Game-master/
$ python3 main.py

©️ License

With ❤️ by GitHub and open-source community.

This game is open-sourced software licensed under the The Open Software License 3.0 (OSL-3.0)