
Integrates HybridAuth as SIMPLE authentication-backend into the ZendFramework2

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status

Use the HybridAuth-Library to create an absolute lightweight Authentication-Layer for your ZendFramework2-App

You can login with all supported SocialNetwork-Logins. The network and a user-object holding id, name, mail and language will be stored in the session. If you already have SocialNetwork users in your application you can use these to authorize your users.



  1. In your application.conf-file add the Module to the list of modules

  2. Copy the file vendor/org_heigl/hybridauth/config/autoload/module-orgHeiglHybridAuth.local.php to your applications config/autoload-directory and adapt as appropriate.

  3. Add this snippet to create a login-link

    $provider = "Twitter";
    echo $this->hybridauthinfo($provider);
  4. After login you can access the user-info the following way:

    // Need this block to autoload Hybrid_Auth dependencies to unserialize object stored in session
    use Hybridauth\Hybridauth;
    $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Config');
    $config = $config['OrgHeiglHybridAuth'];
    $hybridAuth = new Hybridauth($config['hybrid_auth']);
    // The name of the session-container can be changed in the config file!
    $container = new \Zend\Session\Container('orgheiglhybridauth');
    if (! $container->offsetExists('authenticated')) {
        echo 'No user logged in';
    /** @var OrgHeiglHybridAuth\UserInterface $user */
    $user = $container->offsetGet('user');
    echo $user->getName(); // The name of the logged in user
    echo $user->getUID();  // The internal UID of the used service
    echo $user->getMail(); // The mail-address the service provides
    echo $user->getLanguage(); // The language the service provides for the user
    $service = $container->offsetGet('backend');
    echo $service->id // Should print out the Name of the service provider.


This module is best installed using composer. For that, add the following line to the require-section of your composer.json-file and run composer.

"org_heigl/hybridauth": "dev-master"

Alternatively you can fork the project at github.