
Elixir Toggl API Wrapper

Primary LanguageElixir

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Simple Elixir wrapper for the Toggl API.

Heavily based on ExTracker and Tentacat.


The package can be installed as:

  1. Add togglex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:togglex, "~> 0.1.0"}]
  1. Ensure togglex is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:togglex]]


All calls to Toggl APIs must use a Client which contains the access token and the endpoint. The API is splitted in two different parts. The first one is called Toggl API which is essentially a RESTful API that you can use to create, update, delete and get most of the resources from Toggl service. On the other hand there is a read-only Reports API which you can use to obtain aggregated data based on more or less complex queries.

Toggl API examples

Initializing the client for the Toggl API endpoint:

client = Togglex.Client.new(%{access_token: "YOU_ACCESS_TOKEN"}, :api)

Get workspace projects:

Togglex.Api.Workspaces.projects(client, "YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID")

Reports API examples

Initializing the client for the Reports API endpoint:

client = Togglex.Client.new(%{access_token: "YOU_ACCESS_TOKEN"}, :reports)

Getting a detailed report based on some parameters:

Togglex.Reports.detailed(client, %{workspace_id: "YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID", project_ids: "COMMA_SEPARATED_PROJECT_IDS"})

Getting a summarized report based on some parameters:

Togglex.Reports.summary(client, %{workspace_id: "YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID", project_ids: "COMMA_SEPARATED_PROJECT_IDS"})

PDF Reports

Toggl allows you to retrieve reports in PDF format. To do that you only need to call a report function passing :pdf atom as last parameter. The value returned is a binary you can use to write a file:

pdf = Togglex.Reports.summary(client, %{workspace_id: "YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID", project_ids: "COMMA_SEPARATED_PROJECT_IDS"}, :pdf)
File.write!(path, pdf)

Check out in the next section which API calls are already implemented in this wrapper.


Toggl API

  • Authenticate and get user data

    • HTTP Basic Auth with e-mail and password
    • HTTP Basic Auth with API token
    • Authentication with a session cookie
    • Destroy the session
  • Clients

    • create a client
    • get client details
    • update a client
    • delete a client
    • get clients visible to user
    • get client projects
  • Projects

    • create a project
    • get project data
    • update project data
    • delete a project
    • get project users
    • get project tasks
    • delete multiple projects
  • Project users

    • create a project user
    • update a project user
    • delete a project user
    • add multiple users to a project
    • update multiple project users
    • delete multiple project users
  • Tags

    • create a tag
    • update a tag
    • delete a tag
  • Tasks (available only for pro workspaces)

    • create a task
    • get task details
    • update a task
    • delete a task
    • update multiple tasks
    • delete multiple tasks
  • Time entries

    • create a time entry
    • start a time entry
    • stop a time entry
    • get time entry details
    • get running time entry
    • update time entry
    • delete time entry
    • get time entries started in a specific time range
    • bulk update time entries tags
  • Users

    • get current user data and time entries
    • update current user data
    • reset API token
    • sign up new user
  • Workspaces

    • get user workspaces
    • get single workspace
    • get workspace users
    • get workspace clients
    • get workspace projects
    • get workspace tasks
    • get workspace tags
    • update workspace
  • Workspace users

    • invite users to workspace
    • update workspace user
    • delete workspace user
    • get workspace users for a workspace
  • Dashboard

    • get a generic overview of your team

Reports API

  • Weekly report
  • Detailed report
  • Summary report
  • Project dashboard