
A implementation of a 32-bit single cycle MIPS processor in Verilog.

Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT


A implementation of a 32-bit single cycle MIPS processor in Verilog. This version of the MIPS single-cycle processor can execute the following instructions: add, sub, and, or, slt, lw, sw, beq, addi, and j.

To tun the test bench:

$ iverilog *.v
$ ./a.out; gtkwave dump.vcd test.gtkw

Each of the memories is a 64-word × 32-bit array. The instruction memory contains some initial values representing a test program.

Test MIPS instructions

main:	addi $2, $0, 5		# 20020005
		addi $7, $0, 3		# 20070003
		addi $3, $0, 0xc	# 2003000c
		or $4, $7, $2		# 00e22025
		and $5, $3, $4		# 00642824
		add $5, $5, $4		# 00a42820
		beq $5, $7, end		# 10a70008
		slt $6, $3, $4		# 0064302a
		beq $6, $0, around	# 10c00001
		addi $5, $0, 10		# 2005000a
around:	slt $6, $7, $2		# 00e2302a
		add $7, $6, $5		# 00c53820
		sub $7, $7, $2		# 00e23822
		j end				# 0800000f
		lw $7, 0($0)		# 8c070000
end:	sw $7, 71($2)		# ac470047