
PGP keyserver javascript client library. Demo: https://diafygi.github.io/publickeyjs/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Demo: https://diafygi.github.io/publickeyjs/

This is a simple javascript library that allows you to search for PGP public keys on SKS keyservers and Keybase. The API and results are similar to specifications described in HTTP Keyserver Protocol.


To use this library, just add publickey.js in your scripts.

<script src="publickey.js"></script>


Initialize the library by creating a new PublicKey object.


  • keyservers - Array of keyserver domains (default is ["https://keys.fedoraproject.org/", "https://keybase.io/"]).


//Initialize with the default keyservers
var pk = new PublicKey();

//Initialize only with a specific keyserver
var pk = new PublicKey(["https://key.ip6.li/"]);

###pk.search(query, callback)

Search for public key ids on the initialized keyservers.


  • query - String to search for (usually an email, name, or username).
  • callback - Function that is called when finished. Two arguments are passed to the callback: results and errorCode. results is an Array of users that were returned by the search. errorCode is the error code (either HTTP status code or keybase error code) returned by the last keyserver that was tried. If any results were found, errorCode is null. If no results are found, results is null and errorCode is not null.

####Results format

results = [
        "keyid": "F75BE4E6EF6E9DD203679E94E7F6FAD172EFEE3D", //String, the key id of the public key (this is usually the fingerprint)
        "href": "https://keybase.io/diafygi/key.asc", //String, direct link to the public key
        "info": "https://keybase.io/diafygi", //String, link to more information about the public key
        "algo": 1, //Integer or null, asymmetric encryption algorithm according to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-9.1
        "keylen": 4096, //Integer or null, the length of the key
        "creationdate": 1386092941, //Integer or null, unix timestamp when the key was created
        "expirationdate": null, //Integer or null, unix timestamp when the key will expire
        "revoked": false, //Boolean, whether the key is revoked
        "disabled": false, //Boolean, whether the key is disabled
        "expired": false, //Boolean, whether the key is expired
        "uids": [
                "uid": "Daniel Roesler <daniel@roesler.cc>", //String, information about the user
                "creationdate": 1413680553, //Integer or null, unix timestamp when the uid was added
                "expirationdate": null, //Integer or null, unix timestamp when the uid was added
                "revoked": false, //Boolean, whether the uid is revoked
                "disabled": false, //Boolean, whether the uid is disabled
                "expired": false, //Boolean, whether the uid is expired
            ... //more user ids are listed if available
    ... //more result objects are listed if available


//Search for diafygi's key id
var pk = new PublicKey();
pk.search("diafygi", function(results, errorCode){
    errorCode !== null ? console.log(errorCode) : console.log(results);

//Search for a nonexistent key id
var pk = new PublicKey();
pk.search("doesntexist123", function(results, errorCode){
    errorCode !== null ? console.log(errorCode) : console.log(results);

###pk.get(keyId, callback)

Get a public key from any keyserver based on keyId.


  • keyId - String key id of the public key (this is usually a fingerprint)
  • callback - Function that is called when finished. Two arguments are passed to the callback: publicKey and errorCode. publicKey is an ASCII armored OpenPGP public key. errorCode is the error code (either HTTP status code or keybase error code) returned by the last keyserver that was tried. If a publicKey was found, errorCode is null. If no publicKey was found, publicKey is null and errorCode is not null.


//Get a valid public key
var pk = new PublicKey();
pk.get("F75BE4E6EF6E9DD203679E94E7F6FAD172EFEE3D", function(publicKey, errorCode){
    errorCode !== null ? console.log(errorCode) : console.log(publicKey);

//Try to get an invalid public key
var pk = new PublicKey();
pk.get("bogus_id", function(publicKey, errorCode){
    errorCode !== null ? console.log(errorCode) : console.log(publicKey);