
Hangover runs simple (Win64/)Win32 applications on arm64/(ppc64le)/x86_64 Linux and x86_64 Mac

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


This is Hangover, a project started by André Zwing and Stefan Dösinger in 2016 to run x86_64/x86_32 Windows applications on aarch64/(ppc64le)/x86_64 Wine.

1) How it works

In fact it uses the WoW64 support in Wine + an emulator to run e.g. ARM32 on x86_64 or i386 on ARM64. This is completely different from earlier versions of Hangover.

2) Status

Putty runs smoothly, most applications run worse on ARM64 than on x86-64 with Hangover.

3) How to build

Currently Qemu is built as a library which is used in Wine. This is a license conflict, so there'll be no binaries for download. This will change with other emulators.

3.1) Qemu

To build Qemu as a library you need:

  • The dependencies to build qemu (in particular glib)
  • About 1GB of disk space

Download and extract version 5.2.0 from here.

Apply the patch provided in this repo under qemu/ with:

$ patch -p1 < /path/to/your/patch

Build it like:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --target-list=arm-linux-user,i386-linux-user
$ make

In case the compiler complains about something in linux-user/ioctls.h remove the corresponding line and run make again.

Place resulting libraries in /opt (currently hardcoded in xtajit.dll)

3.2) Wine

To build Hangover Wine you need:

  • The dependencies to build a 64 bit Wine
  • clang/llvm-dlltool/lld or llvm-mingw for PE cross-compilation
  • About 3GB of disk space

Also make sure you have the submodule set up:

$ git submodule update --init

on x86-64:

$ mkdir -p wine/build
$ cd wine/build
$ ../configure --enable-win64 --disable-tests --with-mingw --enable-archs=i386,x86_64
$ make
$ ./wine64 notepad++.exe

on ARM64:

$ mkdir -p wine/build
$ cd wine/build
$ ../configure --disable-tests --with-mingw --enable-archs=i386,aarch64
$ make
$ ./wine notepad++.exe

4) Environment variables

  • HODLL to run applications with other dlls than xtajit. e.g. HODLL=wow64cpu.dll to run it without emulation on x86-64
  • QEMU_LOG to set Qemu log channels, find some options here.

5) Todo

  • Get more applications running
  • Investigate CriticalSection issues (just timing?)
  • Integrate other emulators than Qemu, like Box32, FEX/hex-emu

6) Donations

For anyone interested, ways to support André can be found here:


