This is a template to quickstart Docsify repositories. It includes:
- Markdown linting
- Spellcheck validation
- "Dead links" validation
- Travis CI pipeline
- Support for conventional commits with emojis
- NPM tasks to automate all this (and GitFlow)
: markdown files that will be converted into html pages by docsify.spelling
: used by markdown-spellcheck to whitelist words
build # install all dependencies required to run this project
site # runs the website locally on your machine
lint # performs lint validations on all relevant *.md files
pr:prepare # checks if your branch is good enough for a Pull Request
pr:ready # makes your branch ready for Pull Request (increments version)
test # checks if the live website is ok
clean # deletes unversioned generated files
To run a task use npm run <task>
, e.g. npm run pr:prepare
How to use Markdown linting
- Install:
npm i -g markdownlint-cli
- Run validation:
markdownlint docs --config .markdownlint.json
Configure which rules or groups of rules should be globally used with a .markdownlint.json