


I've never used my browser bookmarks well. It's full of junk going back six or seven years at this point, and I can't remember a time where I've found something I've been looking for in my bookmarks. I never even check my bookmarks at this point, really.

In an effort to clean up my bookmarks folder, I'm taking all the useful resources I've bookmarked and putting them here, in this file. At the end of it, maybe I'll have a usable bookmarks folder.

Some of the links I've found are now dead, so I've either found an archive link or found the same info elsewhere. I've noted where that's the case.

Table of Contents

  1. Meta
  2. Programming Reading Material
  3. References
  4. Software Libraries
  5. Specifications
  6. Stock Media
  7. Tools
  8. Web Design
  9. XNA
  10. Misc


A list of useful links isn't exactly a unique idea - and I bookmarked some of them.

Book Lists

Programming Reading Material

Long-form stuff to read about programming.

Skill Books

I don't know what the proper word here is - something longer and broader than a tutorial, but still meant to be read start to finish, unlike a reference book, and not meant to be used in a class, unlike a textbook. I'm just taking "skill book" from The Sims.


Shorter and more specific than "skill books."


Not meant to be read start-to-finish.

Software Libraries


Official or unofficial specs.

File Formats

I used to be really into file formats. I don't know.


At some point I wanted to make a GameBoy emulator. Not sure why it didn't happen.

Stock Media

Stock photos, music, etc.




Web Design


I used to use XNA a lot, but now it's dead and we all use Unity. Oh well. Maybe somebody wants these.
