Simple command line tool written in perl  based on Eixo::Docker::Api for service deploy on remote Docker machine.

	* Uses Docker API.

	* Supports safe TLS auth.

	* Understand Image ID in form of repository/image:version,
	  e.g. tutum/hello-world (if no version isprovided, ‘latest’ is used).

	* Can set up Ports to be forwarded to the host instance (optional).

	* Can execute Command  (optional).

	* Set Service Name (optional).

	* Can get remote Docker containers status in 'docker ps' like format for checking.

Examples of use:

./ -m deploy --image "tutum/hello-world" --cmd "ls -lrt" -p 80 --hostPort 80 -H "" -d

./ -m deploy --image "trafex/alpine-nginx-php7" --name "php7" -p 80 --hostPort 8100 -H ""

./ -m deploy --image "ubuntu:14.04" --name "ubuntu" -p 80 --hostPort 81 -H ""

For secure connection put certs to ./crt/ folder

./ -m deploy --tlsverify --image "tutum/hello-world" --cmd "ls -lrt" -p 80 --hostPort 80 -H "" -d

Check Docker Health

./ -m health_check -H ""