
Vue.js Webshop Demo

Primary LanguageVue

Webshop Demo

Vue.js, Vuetify, Vuex, Node.js, VueSax, Express.js & MySQL

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run Backend

Important: Before running project, backend should be running first (port 8080). Use second terminal / cmd and type:

cd project_path_where_you_clone_it
cd server
npm install
cd src
nodemon app.js


Demo project currently not using backend for real, backend is there just for easy start. It is not necessary to run backend!





Mobile responsive


TODO list

- [ ] default products shown after user's login
- [✔] delete single item from cart ( actually not deleting it from vuex ) 
- [✔] explore button will show full image
- filter products on discount 
- [✔] search input for filter items on keyword 
- [✔] my orders 
- [✔] remove items from cart after order 
- heart(like) action on items
- [✔] error on backend 
- add delivered icon in Orders page