
NodeJS Wrapper for Rancher Docker UI API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NodeJS Wrapper for Rancher Docker UI API

npm version license



This is just a little project i thought I would kick-up, seeing that I was in need of a NodeJS interface for Rancher, with just some light-weight functionality.


npm install --save rancher-api

Instantiate it:

var rancher = require('rancher-api')('', 8080, 'MY_KEY', 'MY_SECRET');

Create Container: The create method accepts 2 parameters, a json object, detailed below - which contain the info for the container you would like to create & a call back function, which returns a json object with the successfully created container.

The code below, creates a container for the sabnzbd torrent client, by linuxserver - maps and exposes ports 8080 and 9090 as well as some volumes.

I've found that the best way to generate this object, is to go to the rancher UI, create a container and look at the requests made via the browser console, you should be able to find the request and extract the object from there.

var data = {










rancher.create(data, function(data){console.log(data)});

Stop, Remove & Purge Container:

rancher.stop(id, function(data){console.log(data)}); 
// where id is rancher's ID from the container, the create method returns this on the callback

rancher.remove(id, function(data){console.log(data)}); 
// where id is rancher's ID from the container, the create method returns this on the callback

rancher.purge(id, function(data){console.log(data)}); 
// where id is rancher's ID from the container, the create method returns this on the callback