
Secure, fast, and reliable web chat application made in Node.js

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


The "PulseRoot" project is being abandoned for the Spark project. Spark is a cross-platform shared music player, with the aim to help everyone around their world share their world through their favorite music. Spark will include text chat in each room, and will also include private messaging with end-to-end encryption. Be on the lookout - it's coming soon!


Secure, fast, and reliable web chat application.

PulseRoot is a chat application that focuses on reliability, speed, and most of all... security.
It allows you to enter the global chat as either a guest, or gives you the ability to make an account.

With an account, you can:

  • Private message other users
  • Have your own profile
  • Integrate with other services (Twitter, Discord, Google, etc.)

Running your own PulseRoot

Running your own version of PulseRoot is fairly easy.
That being said, there are steps you will have to take:

Cloning and Installing

Clone the repo: git clone https://www.github.com/diamondgrid/pulseroot-web
In the directory with package.json, run npm install.

Setting up files and variables

  • Rename config.json_example to config.json
  • Rename database/example.sqlite to database/db.sqlite
  • Change the values in config.json to Discord Webhook URLs... or don't. It's optional, after all.
  • Go to your Environment Variables configuration.
  • Add a value for SESSION_SECRET. This is used for Express sessions.
  • Add values for PR_DISCORD_ID, PR_DISCORD_SECRET, and PR_DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI for Discord integration
  • For information on Discord integration, read Discord's API docs
  • For information on Twitter integration, read Twitter's API docs


In the root directory, run npm start.
In addition, you can use localtunnel to host your own server: lt --port 8080
Congrats, you're now running your own version of PulseRoot!


PulseRoot utilizes socket.io for messaging.
Read more about socket.io here.