Kanban is a visual system for managing work and tasks as they move through a process. It's really easy to use, drag and drop the tasks when they change it's status to the correct column. Just create an account and start working!
Here you can run the deployed project
Frontend: React (javascript), CSS-SASS, BEM
Backend: Express (Node), Mongoose (MongoDB)
Install Node.js if you haven't yet. Npm is needed but is included with Node.js. (working with node v13.14.0)
Next steps:
Download or clone the repository.
Install the dependencies from the following folders:
- frontend
- backend/api
- backend/data
- backend/utils
running the command in each one:
npm i
There are two configuration files named ".env.example" in the following folders:
- frontend
- api
Rename the files from ".env.example" to ".env"
- Open 3 terminal windows.
1- Turn your database on and ensure the data base is still on
sudo systemctl start mongod
sudo systemctl status mongod
2- From 'api', run the backend with Node:
➜ api
node .
3- From 'frontend', open the frontend with React:
➜ frontend
npm run start
Now, the database is on, the server is running and the frontend connected to it, you can start playing in the website!