
Simple number guessing game in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Number Guessing Game


This project is a simple number guessing game written in Python. As someone who is just embarking on my journey into programming in Python, I created this game as a learning exercise. It's designed to be straightforward yet engaging, asking the player to guess a random number within a specified range. The complexity and the number of attempts are calculated based on the range size, offering a fun and interactive way to understand basic programming concepts.

Learning Journey

This game is a testament to the initial steps of my programming journey, emphasizing the learning process and the application of fundamental Python concepts. As such, it's crafted with simplicity in mind, making it accessible for other beginners who might be interested in exploring basic project development and coding practices.

How to Play

To play the game, you will be prompted to enter a lower and an upper bound for the number range. The game will then calculate the number of guesses you have based on these bounds. Your goal is to guess the correct number within these attempts. After each guess, the game will tell you if your guess is too high, too low, or correct. If you run out of number of guesses and still did not guess the corrent number, the game will tell you that you have run out of guesses amd give you the correct number.


Make sure you have Python installed on your machine. This game is compatible with Python 3.x. Here are the steps to get the game up and running:

  1. Install Python: Ensure Python 3.x is installed on your system. You can download it from python.org.
  2. Download the Game: Clone this repository or download the game file to your local machine.
  3. Run the Game: Navigate to the game's directory in your terminal or command prompt and run the command `python3 game_filename.py
  4. (replacegame_filename.py` with the actual file name).


Given that this project is part of my learning experience, I am not actively seeking contributions. However, feedback and suggestions are highly welcome. Feel free to fork the project, experiment with your own ideas, and share your thoughts on how it could be improved or what concepts it helped you understand.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.