OpenAI GPT-3 Chatbot

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A simple interface to the OpenAI GPT-3 models with speech to text for input and text to speech for the output from OpenAI.


Optionally create a new Python environment and active it:

# create a new environment in the current directory called env
python3 -m venv env

# activate the environment
source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

# Mac OSX
brew install portaudio
brew link portaudio

# save the output of this command
brew --prefix portaudio


sudo vi $HOME/.pydistutils.cfg

and paste the following text replacing the values with the output saved from above:

include_dirs=<PATH FROM STEP 3>/include/
library_dirs=<PATH FROM STEP 3>/lib/

Finally, run the following to install all required Python packages:

pip install -e .

Running the Script

python gpt3_assistant/ --log-level=INFO --open-ai-key=<OPEN API SECRET KEY HERE>

Start speaking and turn up your volume to hear the AI assistant respond.

Say the word "exit" to stop the application.

Optional: Specifying an Output Language Accent

Specify both the LANGUAGE and TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN vars to override the default English (United States)

python gpt3_assistant/ --open-ai-key=<OPENAI_KEY> --lang=en --tld=com

Language Examples

  • English (United States) DEFAULT
  • English (Australia)
    • LANGUAGE=en
  • English (India)
    • LANGUAGE=en
  • French (France)

See Localized 'accents' section on gTTS docs for more information


Sort all imports with:

isort --multi-line 3 --profile black --python-version 38 gpt3_assistant

Run black gpt3_assistant to automatically reformat all source files based on the default configuration.


Unit Tests

Run pytest to run all unit tests.

Coverage Report

Get the coverage with:

coverage run -m pytest tests

View the coverage report:

coverage report --fail-under=90 --include="gpt3_assistant/*"


SpeechRecognition library docs

Google Translate Text-to-Speech API (gTTS)