
a soundcloud ruby api wrapper

Primary LanguageRuby

Soundcloud API Wrapper


The Soundcloud gem is a thin wrapper for the Soundcloud API based of the httparty gem. It is providing simple methods to handle authorization and to execute HTTP calls.


  • httmultiparty
  • httparty
  • crack
  • multipart-upload
  • hashie


gem install soundcloud


Print links of the 10 hottest tracks

# register a client with YOUR_CLIENT_ID as client_id_
client = Soundcloud.new(:client_id => YOUR_CLIENT_ID)
# get 10 hottest tracks
tracks = client.get('/tracks', :limit => 10, :order => 'hotness')
# print each link
tracks.each do |track|
  puts track.permalink_url

OAuth2 user credentials flow and print the username of the authenticated user

# register a new client, which will exchange the username, password for an access_token
# NOTE: the SoundCloud API Docs advices to not use the user credentials flow in a web app.
# In any case never store the password of a user.
client = Soundcloud.new({
  :client_id      => YOUR_CLIENT_ID,
  :client_secret  => YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET,
  :username       => 'some@email.com',
  :password       => 'userpass'

# print logged in username
puts client.get('/me').username

OAuth2 authorization code flow

client = Soundcloud.new({
  :client_id      => YOUR_CLIENT_ID,
  :client_secret  => YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET,
  :redirect_uri  => YOUR_REDIRECT_URI,

redirect client.authorize_url()
# the user should be redirected to "https://soundcloud.com/connect?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&response_type=code&redirect_uri=YOUR_REDIRECT_URI"
# after granting access he will be redirected back to YOUR_REDIRECT_URI
# in your respective handler you can build an exchange token from the transmitted code
client.exchange_token(:code => params[:code])

OAuth2 refresh token flow, upload a track and print its link

# register a new client which will exchange an existing refresh_token for an access_token
client = Soundcloud.new({
  :client_id      => YOUR_CLIENT_ID,
  :client_secret  => YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET,
  :refresh_token  => SOME_REFRESH_TOKEN

# upload a new track with track.mp3 as audio and image.jpg as artwork
track = client.post('/tracks', :track => {
  :title        => 'a new track',
  :asset_data   => File.new('audio.mp3')

# print new tracks link
puts track.permalink_url

Resolve a track url and print its id

 # register the client
 client = Soundcloud.new(:client_id => YOUR_CLIENT_ID)
 # call the resolve endpoint with a track url
 track = client.get('/resolve', :url => "http://soundcloud.com/forss/flickermood")
 # print the track id
 puts track.id

Register a client for http://sandbox-soundcloud.com with an existing access_token and start following a user

# register a client for http://sandbox-soundcloud.com with existing access_token
client = Soundcloud.new(:site => 'sandbox-soundcloud.com', :access_token => SOME_ACCESS_TOKEN)

# create a new following
user_id_to_follow = 123

Initializing a client with an access token and updating the users profile description

# initializing a client with an access token
client = Soundcloud.new(:access_token => SOME_ACCESS_TOKEN)

# updating the users profile description
client.put("/me", :user => {:description => "a new description"})

Add a track to a playlist / set

client = Soundcloud.new(:access_token => "A_VALID_TOKEN")

# get my last playlist
playlist = client.get("/me/playlists").first

# get ids of contained tracks
track_ids = playlist.tracks.map(&:id) # => [22448500, 21928809] 

# adding a new track 21778201
track_ids << 21778201 # => [22448500, 21928809, 21778201]

# map array of ids to array of track objects:
tracks = track_ids.map { |id| {:id => id} } # => [{:id=>22448500}, {:id=>21928809}, {:id=>21778201}]

# send update/put request to playlist
playlist = client.put(playlist.uri, :playlist => {
  :tracks => tracks

# print the list of track ids of the updated playlist:
p playlist.tracks.map(&:id)



Stores the passed options and call exchange_token in case options are passed that allow an exchange of tokens.


Stores the passed options and try to exchange tokens if no access_token is present and:

  • refresh_token, client_id and client_secret is present.
  • client_id, client_secret, username, password is present
  • client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, code is present


Stores the passed options except for state and display and return an authorize url. The client_id and redirect_uri options need to present to generate the authorize url. The state and display options can be used to set the parameters accordingly in the authorize url.

Soundcloud#get, Soundcloud#post, Soundcloud#put, Soundcloud#delete, Soundcloud#head

These methods expose all available HTTP methods. They all share the signature (path_or_uri, query={}, options={}). The query hash will be merged with the options hash and passed to httparty. Depending on if the client is authorized it will either add the client_id or the access_token as a query parameter. In case an access_token is expired and a refresh_token, client_id and client_secret is present it will try to refresh the access_token and retry the call. The response is either a Hashie::Mash or an array of Hashie::Mashs. The mashs expose all resource attributes as methods and the original response through #response.

Soundcloud#client_id, client_secret, access_token, refresh_token, use_ssl?

These methods are accessors for the stored options.


A Proc passed to on_exchange_token will be called each time a token was successfully exchanged or refreshed


Returns a date based on the expires_in attribute returned from a token exchange.


Will return true or false depending on if expires_at is in the past.

Error Handling

In case a request was not successful a Soundcloud::ResponseError will be raise. The original HTTParty response is available through Soundcloud::ResponseError#response.