Typescript Classes Challenge

In this challenge you will create typescript classes with properties and methods as well as create instances of your classes

Prequisite (Environment setup)

First we must install typescript. In your terminal run the following command

 $ npm install -g typescript

Then we must install the rest of our dependencies. Run the following command

 $ npm install

** Now ** If you have not received a repo from github classroom, clone the repo with the below command

$ git clone https://github.com/SoftStackFactory/ssf-classes.git

Using typescipt and running your code

Before running or testing our typescript code we must first transpile/compile it with the following command:

$ tsc <filename>.ts

This will convert your code into javascript and create a javascript file with the same name. To run your javascript file use the following code:

$ node <filename>.js

to run tests use the following code

$ npm test -- <file-name>

Once you run the tests you will see a message in your console indicating whether the tests passed or failed

failed test(s) passed test(s)
If you fail to pass a tests read the message in red. The problem will be in the challange file Once you have passed all tests move on to the steps below

$ Is not apart of the command That denotes a bash terminal command

After challenges have been completed

Once you have created all challenges push your completed files to the remote repo created by the github classroom