

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Create a responsive login/signup form from scratch on a given design.


To become the next Frontend web developer of a Technical Production Team, you have 20 minutes to prove your worth to the CTO and current Frontend Lead developer. Good luck!


  1. Demonstrate an overall grasp of Web development fundamentals.
  2. Talk about your code during the code review.
  3. Apply basic WEB technologies: HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript.


Push your code to a public repository on your GitHub account.


A Form is used to:

  • business: to store user data (database) into a system.
  • developer: to persist CLIENT data into a SERVER Database (DB).


To create a login/register form (with CRUD application) based on a given design (prototype), the application need to use the following:

  • Apply HTML5 with BEM (Block Element Modifier) naming conventions
  • Apply basic CSS styling.
  • Use JavaScriptJS in the frontend.


Your application should have the following features:

  1. A register form to register users:
    • use email and password to authenticate themselves,
    • input full name when signing in.
    • click on the buttom to register themselves.
  2. Show validation feedback when a form is submitted:
  • see an error message for an erroneous input in the form.
  • see a success message for typing in thecorrect inputs.
  1. The form is responsive on Mobile, Tablet, Laptop and Desktop.



  1. Create the layout structure of the User Interface(UI) with HTML tag elements:
  • [] HTML-Create <form>container
  • [] HTML-Add Username & Email <input>.
  • [] HTML-Add Submit <button>.
  1. Add classes to HTML, to style the HTML with CSS classes.
  • [] CSS-Style Form class
  • [] CSS-Style Input class
  • [] CSS-Style Button class
  1. Add Javascript to pass data from the CLIENT side to the SERVER side with the HTTP protocol(the main standard in which a computer CLIENT and SERVER are able to communicate). To add new data to a form and store it in a database, the POST operation METHOD of the CRUD system is needed.
  • [] JS-Add onclick
  • [] JS-Add validation: error, succes
  • [] JS-create functions
  1. To make the form behave well on cross-devices: make the form responsive with CSS Grid, Flexbox & Media Queries.
  • [] Add CSS Grid, Flexbox & Media Queries
  • [] Responsive-Design Form Mobile First (1column)
  • [] Responsive-Design Form Tablet/Laptop(2column)
  • [] Responsive-Design Form DesktopLaptop(3column)


Things To Remember

  • autofocus= focused on PageLoad.
  • BEM=(Block Elements Modifier) Naming Convention. - HTML protocol= the main standard in which a computer CLIENT and SERVER are able to communicate.
  • There are 4 METHODS for this HTTP protocol: the CRUD-system:
    1. CREATE: To add data to a database(dB): POST-method.
    2. READ: To receive data from a db: GET-method.
    3. UPDATE: To update existing data from a dB: PUT-method.
    4. DELETE: To delete existing data from a dB:DELETE-method.