Lunch Microservice

The service provides an endpoint that will determine, from a set of recipes, what I can have for lunch at a given date, based on my fridge ingredient's expiry date, so that I can quickly decide what I’ll be having to eat, and the ingredients required to prepare the meal.


Note: Docker is used for the local MySQL database instance, feel free to use your own instance or any other SQL database and insert data from lunch-data.sql script


  1. Start database:

    docker-compose up -d
  2. Add test data from sql/lunch-data.sql to the database. Here's a helper script if you prefer:

    CONTAINER_ID=$(docker inspect --format="{{.Id}}" lunch-db)
    docker cp sql/lunch-data.sql $CONTAINER_ID:/lunch-data.sql
    docker exec $CONTAINER_ID /bin/sh -c 'mysql -u root -prezdytechtask lunch </lunch-data.sql'
  3. Run Springboot LunchApplication