
this new variation of tic-tac-toe was created to make studying for the SIE exam a little more bearable. because studying doesn't always have to be boring!

play the game here: http://quiztactoe.dianephan.me/ you can only make a move if you choose the correct answer!

🦖 good luck! you always know more than you think you do 🐉

🦕 game consists of 20 questions that are randomized from random quizlet i found
also note that this is a fragile app and might break lol sorry. i challenged myself to work with new technologies for this project

about the project

this game was built from scratch to learn more about java spring boot, how to integrate a mysql database, build an api, write unit tests, and learn about the features of javascript react


date description
october 2022 learned how to use mysql db with java spring boot
november 2022 worked on the backend / game logic. lots of refactoring and writing unit tests for the first time
december 2022 integrated quiz questions to be displayed on the tic-tac-toe game. utilizing useState from react for the first time
january 2023 an mvp is born! game is functional and deployed onto an aws server (rip)

future plans:

  • nicer looking css hahahaha (maybe explore a game engine?? hmm)
  • work on the security portion for this app hahahaha...
  • refactor the game algorithm
  • write unit tests for the db portion
  • maybe have an option to play with cpu?
  • have the option for admin to insert questions to the db on the frontend