
The world's first open-source crypto-shopping cart

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The world's first open-source crypto-shopping cart!

This is an experimental project in progress. The styling and basic functionality was straight-up jacked from this fine fellow.

I am exchanging t-shirts and stickers for Ethereum. Apart from some commercial providers, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of open-source cryptocurrency shopping carts.

This project raises some interesting interface issues. The modest initial goal is to take an order and wait for transaction confirmation before shipping. Traditional shopping carts collect all cart and payment data before processing an order. Credit cards and banks validate the transaction. Since a customer must release the currency from a wallet interface apart from the shopping cart, the checkout experience deviates from what is now considered normal:

  1. Place order
  2. Send currency from external wallet interface
  3. Submit transaction ID on shopping cart interface for order verification

This is a very different conclusion to contemporary shopping cart expectations. And arguably, it necessitates trust in what should be a trustless situation. That is, the customer has no recourse through banks or credit cards if the vendor is a scammer (though perhaps there's no recourse anyway).

Future work: contracts that fulfil when the post office reports delivered... less trust required.



Clone and install dependencies:

npm install
cp .env.example .env

For Docker fans

Start a MongoDB development server:

docker run --name dev-mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo

Once created, you can start and stop the container like this:

docker stop dev-mongo
docker start dev-mongo


npm test

To execute a single test file, be sure to set the NODE_ENV variable:

NODE_ENV=test npx jasmine spec/features/checkoutSpec.js



Clone and install dependencies:

npm install
cp .env.example .env

To start a Dockerized Mongo container, see above...

Seed database:

node db/seed.js

Start maildev:

docker run -d --name maildev -p 1080:80 -p 25:25 -p 587:587 djfarrelly/maildev

Run server:

npm start



git clone https://github.com/TheMiningKing/crypto-shopping-cart.git

In the application directory:

cd crypto-shopping-cart
NODE_ENV=production npm install

Configure .env. E.g.:

# Your email (rigged for Gmail)

# Contact email for questions, etc.
# This will default to `FROM`, if not set

# Site name and URL
SITE_NAME=The Mining King
# Leave blank if no main page

# This needs to be set, even if only one currency is accepted

# Set value to catch all outgoing emails

The Dockerized production is meant to be deployed behind an nginx-proxy/lets-encrypt combo:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d


docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml run --rm node node db/seed.js NODE_ENV=production


Got sick of using GMail so tried to send orders through iRedMail...

iRedMail does not allow you to specify a sender that is different from the authenticated user unless you add the following to /opt/iredapd/settings.py:


Note that the address matches the FROM field set in .env.

Restart the iRedMail service:

service iredapd restart

More info.



git clone https://github.com/TheMiningKing/crypto-shopping-cart.git

In the application directory:

cd crypto-shopping-cart
NODE_ENV=production npm install

Configure .env. The FROM and PASSWORD fields are to be set as specified below. The Tor deployment catches all outgoing order emails and makes them accessible from the host system. This is ensures that your Tor server keeps a low profile with minimal identifiable external traffic. E.g.:

# Don't change these

# Do change these
SITE_NAME=The Mining King

This Tor-safe composition is meant to be deployed behind a Dockerized Tor proxy. For the moment, details on how to do this can be found here. Once the proxy is setup, execute the Tor deployment like this:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.tor.yml up -d


docker-compose -f docker-compose.tor.yml run --rm node node db/seed.js NODE_ENV=production

Retrieving orders

Orders are received, but they never leave the server when deployed in a Tor-safe fashion. All email orders are intercepted and deposited in the mailorders directory. I use mutt to manage these emails.

sudo apt install mutt

Then, from the application directory, simply execute:

sudo mutt -f mailorders/root