
XACML Policy Analyzer

Primary LanguageC++


A toolkit for analyzing XACML3.0 policies. The main features are: (1) Editing GUI; (2) Coverage-based test generation (rule coverage, decision coverage, MC/DC coverage, rule pair coverage); (3) Generation of mutants; (4) Execution of a test suite for a policy and its mutants.

about Z3-str

Source code of Z3-str and Z3 are included in this repository. To get executable file, you would need to compile it on your computer. For sake of portability, please do not commit executable files and temporary file lile .o .so .a files into repository.

Before compiling: You might need to install some tools on your computer to compile the code. Run the following commands to install them, if necessary.

sudo apt-get install autoconf sudo apt-get install tofrodos sudo ln -s /usr/bin/fromdos /usr/bin/dos2unix sudo apt-get install g++

How to compile Z3-str: from top level folder of XPA project cd Z3-str/z3/ autoconf ./configure #if the file 'configure' do not have permission to be executed, run the commmand 'sudo chmod +x configure' make #this may take about 15 minutes make a cd .. make

test whether Z3-str works: ./Z3-str.py -f tests/concat-002 #if the files Z3-str.py and str do not have executable permission, change permission use the commmand 'sudo chmod +x Z3-str.py str'

how to setup XPA

  1. before import project from github, disable "build automatically". If you don't to so, eclipse will start building the project as soon as it is imported. And since build path have not been setted properly, eclipse will stuck at building.
  2. install AJDT from http://download.eclipse.org/tools/ajdt/43/update/ if you don't have it installed in your eclipse.
  3. import project from github
  4. in property->java build path, in 'Source' tab, set XPA/src as source folder; in 'Libraries' tab, 'Add JARs' to add jars in 'lib' folder, also add JRE System Library and JUnit library.
  5. right click on project->AspectJ Tools->, 'remove aspecJ capability' and then 'conver to AspectJ project'. This operation will add AspectJ runtime library to build path.
  6. now we can enable 'build automatically'