
🗃 An out-of-the-box Neovim IDE solution that setup development environment in an incredibly simple way.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


An out-of-the-box Neovim IDE layer that setup development environment in an incredibly simple way.

一个开箱即用的 Neovim IDE 层,以难以置信的简单方式设置开发环境。

  golang = {
    enable = true,
    lsp = "gopls",
    linter = "golangci-lint",
    formatter = "gofmt",
    format_on_save = true,



🛠 Installation 安装

npx zx https://insisvim.github.io/install.mjs

Note: If any of git, wget, curl, ripgrep, node.js v16+, nvim v0.9.x are missing, the installation will exit and prompt you.

注意:如果缺少gitwgetcurlripgrepnode.js v16+、nvim v0.9.x中的任何一个,安装将退出,并提示您。

On Mac you can brew install anything above.

在 Mac 上,您可以使用 brew install 安装以上任何内容。

On Ubuntu you can check Ubuntu installation guide.

在 Ubuntu 上,您可以检查 Ubuntu 安装指南

Then try again.


Setup and Configuration

Edit ~/.config/nvim/init.lua

    -- Set parameters as needed
    -- 按需设置参数

Most built-in modules are enabled by default, but programming environment-related modules are disabled by default. Enabling them is also very simple. For example, to enable Golang development, just:

大部分内置模块默认是开启状态,编程环境相关的模块默认则是关闭状态,启用也很简单,比如启用 Golang 开发只需要:

  golang = {
    enable = true,
    format_on_save = true,

Keep the network environment smooth, :wq save and restart will automatically install the Golang Language Server, syntax highlighting, golangci-lint.

保持科学网络环境畅通,:wq 保存重启后会自动安装 Golang 的 Language Server,语法高亮,golangci-lint.

The configuration of other languages is similar. The complete parameter list is in this config.lua. The documentation is not yet complete. Please try it yourself.

其他语言配置也类似,完整参数列表在此 config.lua 还没有完善的文档,请大家自行研究。

Currently, only front-end development configuration is more complex, because it requires the installation of multiple LSPs, syntax highlighting for various file types, etc.

目前只有前端开发配置较复杂,因为需要安装多个 LSP,多种文件的语法高亮等

Frontend development

  frontend = {
    enable = true,
    prisma = true,
    vue = false,
    format_on_save = true,
    code_actions = "eslint_d",
    ---@type "eslint_d" | "prettier"
    formatter = "prettier",
    cspell = false,
    -- extra lsp command provided by typescript.nvim
    typescript = {
      keys = {
        ts_organize = "gs",
        ts_rename_file = "gR",
        ts_add_missing_import = "ga",
        ts_remove_unused = "gu",
        ts_fix_all = "gf",
        ts_goto_source = "gD",

The configuration I am currently using is as follows, for reference only. Please turn on the language environment-related modules one by one, otherwise after restarting, many services will be installed at once and it will take a long time to wait.


  clangd = {
    enable = true,
  git = {
    current_line_blame = true,
  lock_plugin_commit = false,
  enable_imselect = true,
  enable_very_magic_search = true,
  lua = {
    enable = true,
  markdown = {
    enable = true,
    -- formatter = false,
    format_on_save = true,
  golang = {
    enable = true,
    format_on_save = true,
  json = {
    enable = true,
    format_on_save = false,
  yaml = {
    enable = true,
  docker = {
    enable = true,
  frontend = {
    enable = true,
    prisma = true,
    vue = false,
    format_on_save = true,
    code_actions = "eslint_d",
    ---@type "eslint_d" | "prettier"
    formatter = "prettier",
    cspell = false,
    -- extra lsp command provided by typescript.nvim
    typescript = {
      keys = {
        ts_organize = "gs",
        ts_rename_file = "gR",
        ts_add_missing_import = "ga",
        ts_remove_unused = "gu",
        ts_fix_all = "gf",
        ts_goto_source = "gD",
  -- yaml = {
  --   enable = true,
  --   format_on_save = true,
  -- },
  -- clangd = {
  --   enable = true,
  --   format_on_save = true,
  -- },
  -- rust = {
  --   enable = true,
  --   format_on_save = true,
  -- },
  -- bash = {
  --   enable = true,
  --   format_on_save = true,
  -- },
  -- python = {
  --   enable = true,
  --   format_on_save = true,
  -- },
  -- ruby = {
  --   enable = true,
  -- },


  • Neovim v0.9.x.
  • Node.js v16+.
  • Nerd Fonts.



WIP 🟡, PR is welcome.