
MoviesApp, final project for ViC - Vitória Code, Android development course by Picpay.

Primary LanguageKotlin


An Android app that allows you to access information about movies and select your favorites, fetching data from The Movie DataBase (TMDb) API.

Project made during the Android development course ViC - Vitoria Code by Picpay.

How to run the app

Register and get your (free) API key at TMDb. Open the local.properties file and paste:

apiKey=insert your api key here

Then run the app :)


  • When opened, the app loads a list of the most popular movies
  • Clicking on a movie loads details about that movie
  • An error feedback is given if the API data load fails
  • User can search for a specific movie through search mode or filter the movie list by selecting a genre
  • Movies can be added to favorites and the user can access a list with of favorite movies

Technical features

  • ViewBinding is being used to reference layout views
  • Koin for dependency injection
  • Navigation component and Safe Args to handle navigating and passing data between fragments
  • ViewModel being used so data survives configuration changes (like screen rotations)
  • LiveData to encapsulate data that will be observed by the fragments
  • RxJava is used to handle streams of data (from the API and from the database to the viewmodel)
  • Retrofit to make the API call and Gson to convert json data to java objects
  • Room to save the user's favorite movies in a local database
  • Glide for image loading from url

Clean architecture + MVVM

The application has been organized into the following layers:

  • presentation: classes that concern the UI and presentation logic, the activity, fragments, adapters and viewmodel.
  • domain: contains the usecases, the repository interfaces and domain data objects.
  • data: interacts with data sources (database, API services), contains repository implementation and data objects (response and db objects).
