
Repeat notifications from private posts

slamble opened this issue · 6 comments

Starting at about 6:08am (Australian eastern daylight time) through to now, I have received 13 emails saying "There's a new comment on a limited post in diaspora* for you to check out." I've checked. There was only one new comment, made about three hours ago (roughly when the emails started), yet the notifications continue to come. All of them relate to the exact same post (and, presumably, comment.)

This is on diasp.org, where I am registered; the original poster is also registered on diasp.org (so it doesn't appear to be related to federation at first glance).

The issue also refreshes the notification on the pod if it's unread, or creates a new notification if it has been marked as read.

If there is anything further you need to diagnose this issue, please don't hesitate to ask.

It can happen that you get multiple notifications and then when you click on it there is only one comment, because maybe the author of the comment had a typo in the original comment and then deleted and re-created the comment which triggered another notification, but that would then be expected behavior. So can you check if the emails you got are actually linking to the exact same comment (exact same URL, including the part after the #), if the URL differs then the notifications were for different comments but some of them maybe got deleted again.

If they are actually the same comment, then this shouldn't happen and I never saw this happening. We would need logs from the pod to see if they say something about possible errors related to these notifications, otherwise I have no idea how we should reproduce or fix this. Did this just happen once or can you reproduce it?

Yes, I did think of the possibility of the comment having been deleted and re-posted, and I agree that this would be expected behaviour in that circumstance. But I did check for that before raising the issue, and can state categorically that the last comment was hours before the slew of emails.

I did not, however, check the URL in the way you suggest - my checks didn't preclude the possibility of subsequent comments being made and then deleted. I've just looked at the last spate of emails I received for an incident of this type, and can state that of the four emails (out of 11 in my mailbox, there may have been more) that I've checked, the URL is identical, including the bit after the #.

It's happened a few times, but I cannot point at anything specific to trigger the issue; only that it has occurred on a few occasions. I'm not the pod admin, so there's no way that I can provide any logs without reaching out to the pod administrator.

I'm really sorry. I've done some software development myself; I know how annoying it is to have an issue but be unable to reproduce or verify it yourself. All I can do is say "this happened", and hope that somebody else can provide further information on reproducing or errors related to it.

I'll send a private message to the podmin, along with the details of what happened and when, and see if they can shed further light. I'll point them at this issue, or if they prefer, I can pass on whatever information they provide me. Feel free to ping me in a week if you haven't heard anything back by then (there are times when things slip my mind.)

Podmin's comment: "Yea, we have seen this before. No one has ever really been able to figure out this glitch, it clearly happens here and there."

So.. no luck, I'm afraid. Apologies.

jjoe commented

@jjoe This post is not public, so I can't see it.

jjoe commented