
[Issue Report]: Inventory pickup tiny issue

locksoft opened this issue · 1 comments

Operating System

Nintendo Switch

DevilutionX version



If I pickup a small object like a potion or gold (I think stuff that occupies only one square) that is in the lower right corner of the inventory, the cursor disappears. It’s like if it’s hidden above the inventory grid.
It’s not a problem as, moving the cursor down (I call it “cursor” because I’m moving it with the pad, so it jumps from one square to the next one), it appears again.

Like the money split is not a real problem, I’m just reporting it to make you aware.

To Reproduce

Click on a small item in the lower right corner of the inventory, using the left gamepad.
It disappears.

Expected Behavior

It should pick it up like all the objects in the other inventory squares.

Additional context

No response

A similar problem was found on Android and iOS. I suspect that a similar bug exists on all platforms except PC systems. On phones, the bug works differently - when interacting with an item in the lower right corner of the inventory, the cursor with the item does not disappear, but moves to a position between the two upper inventory cells on the right.