
[Issue Report]: Small errors in the operation of the map [1.6.0-dev-debug]

Sergei3000yt opened this issue · 3 comments

Operating System


DevilutionX version



In debug version 1.6.0-dev-debug-ad452cb6c (the last one for now) it contains some errors in the operation of the map.

Screenshot_2024-03-16-11-42-23-786_org diasurgical devilutionx

Тhis is the map in version 1.5.2 release

Screenshot_2024-03-16-11-50-08-566_org diasurgical devilutiony

This is the map in version 1.6.0-dev

Near the entrances to the Cathedral and the one near the cows, walls appeared on the map that do not exist in reality (to the left of these entrances). Also, in front of the entrance to the caves near Virt, there are signs of a fence where the stones lie.

For clarity, I stood next to the “phantom wall” of the Cathedral.

Screenshot_2024-03-16-12-13-46-039_org diasurgical devilutiony

P.s. I'm sure this bug hasn't been reported. I apologize in advance if I reported something that is already known.

UPD: I found another problem that was in older versions of DevX and partly in vanilla Diablo - the arrow indicating the main character on the map is slightly shifted to the side.


Screenshot_2024-03-16-13-21-03-950_org diasurgical devilutionx


Screenshot_2024-03-16-13-19-51-314_org diasurgical devilutiony

The displacement is especially noticeable when you look closely at the column

Screenshot_2024-03-16-13-27-51-304_org diasurgical devilutiony

In vanilla Diablo and older versions of DevX, the arrow moved one cell to the right starting from level 9 of the maze, which is why when the player stood in front of the door and entered it, the map showed that he comes through the wall next to the door.

To Reproduce

Turn on the map and pay more attention to the details of its behavior

Expected Behavior

I hoped the map would work correctly

Additional context

No response

@kphoenix137 was working on adjusting the maps but didn't have time to finish redoing town after adjusting Caves (which shared code with town). Don't know if this is still on his radar so pinging him now.

Huh I don't ever recall the arrow getting displaced like that during my PR. I'll have to check to see when that happened unless someone else like @qndel can find the commit. It looks like the base of the arrow is no longer anchored to the center of the tile but anchored to the bottom of the tile the player is in. I'll have to check it out when I'm home.

As far as fixing town, yeah it's a mess. I might give it a try sometime soon.

Huh I don't ever recall the arrow getting displaced like that during my PR.

He is talking about before the new map. The new map the arrow is always right.