
[Issue Report]: Inventory bug [1.6.0-dev]

Sergei3000yt opened this issue · 2 comments

Operating System


DevilutionX version



In version 1.6.0-dev-debug, the inventory began to work somewhat strangely. Very often, when picking up items, one of the inventory lines is not filled. The line slightly to the left of the middle (the line from top to bottom) is ignored by the inventory until you fill it in manually.

To Reproduce

Pick everything up

Expected Behavior

No response

Additional context

No response

@Sergei3000yt Can you try to make a video, or be more specific. Maybe add a screen shot where you mark what row (column) it is.
It sounds like you are talking about this column:

It would be good with specific steps to reproduce, maybe even a save game where the items to pick up are already on the ground.

Can you show how it places items differently in 1.5.2 (load the same save game and take a screen shot there)