
React Native v0.62.2 with Hooks, Context, and React Navigation Udemy.

Restaurant Search App

  • This application is using Yelp API to get data for restaurant search
  • The application's home page displays three restaurant categories that scroll horizontally, in Chicago area, sorted by price, and promts a search bar at the top of the screen, where the user can search for a restaurant name or for a type of cusine.

Restaurant Search Home Page

Home Page

  • Once a user taps on a restaurant, the app displays a detail page with a couple of more images of the given restaurant.

Restaurant Search Single Restaurant

Single Restaurant Seach

Second Application: Create Blog App

Inside our app we have a couple of different screens, each of the screens have one very particular job: INDEX < SHOW < CREATE < EDIT

  • Complete CRUD aplication with JSON server REST Conventions and NGROK setup.