
Kaggle Two Sigma 2nd Prize Winning Code https://www.kaggle.com/c/two-sigma-financial-news

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

  1. The hardware you used: CPU specs, number of CPU cores, memory, GPU specs, number of GPUs.

Online kaggle environment: 4 CPU cores, 16 Gigabytes of RAM, No GPU.

  1. OS/platform you used, including version number.

Latest kaggle docker: https://github.com/Kaggle/docker-python

  1. Any necessary 3rd-party software, including version numbers, and installation steps. This can be provided as a Dockerfile instead of as a section in the readme.


  1. How to prepare data

    Run prepare_data.py

  2. How to train your model

    Run train.py

  3. How to make predictions on a new test set.

    Run predict.py

  4. Important side effects of your code. For example, if your data processing code overwrites the original data.

On data cleaning code overwrites some outliers.

  1. Key assumptions made by your code. For example, if the outputs folder must be empty when starting a training run.
